Fear Factory

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Fear Factory (demo) (1991)
Fear Factory (demo) 1. Sufferage 3:44
2. Crisis 3:35
3. Desecrate 2:32
4. Echoes of Innocence 1:16
5. Deforestation 1:45
6. Raped Souls 0:19
7. Pisschrist 2:51
total time16:02

HD cover

6.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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6.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Demo '91 (1991)
Demo '91 1. Big God 1:48
2. Self Immolation 2:55
3. Soul Womb 2:38
total time7:21

4.0 / 10 (9 votes)

1 review

4.0 / 10 (9 votes)

1 review

Soul of a New Machine (1992)
Soul of a New Machine 1. Martyr 4:05
2. Leechmaster 3:54
3. Scapegoat 4:33
4. Crisis 3:45
5. Crash test 3:46
6. Flesh hold 2:31
7. Lifeblind 3:51
8. Scumgrief 4:07
9. Natividad 1:04
10. Big god / raped souls 2:38
11. Arise above oppression 1:51
12. Self immolation 2:45
13. Suffer age 3:40
14. W.O.E. 2:33
15. Desecrate 2:34
16. Escape confusion 3:58
17. Manipulation 3:29
total time55:13

HD cover
3 Versions

7.5 / 10 (71 votes)

#6 in Zenial's top 10 from 1992!

1 review

7.5 / 10 (71 votes)

#6 in Zenial's top 10 from 1992!

1 review

Fear is the Mindkiller (1993)
Fear is the Mindkiller 1. Martyr (suffer bastard mix) 7:14
2. Self immolation (vein tap mix) 5:31
3. Scapegoat (pigfuck mix) 4:35
4. Scumgrief (deep dub trauma mix) 6:19
5. Self immolation (liquid sky mix) 6:06
6. Self immolation (LP version) 2:45
total time32:35

HD cover
3 Versions

4.5 / 10 (22 votes)

#3 in the Non-Metal top 10 from 1993!

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4.5 / 10 (22 votes)

#3 in the Non-Metal top 10 from 1993!

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Demanufacture (1995)
Demanufacture 1. Demanufacture 4:12
2. Self bias resistor 5:12
3. Zero signal 5:57
4. Replica 3:57
5. New breed 2:49
6. Dog day sunrise (Head Of David cover) 4:43
7. Body hammer 5:06
8. Flashpoint 2:54
9. H-K (hunter-killer) 5:17
10. Pisschrist 5:22
11. A therapy for pain 9:47
total time55:16

HD cover
7 Versions

8.4 / 10 (115 votes)

#3 in Zenial's top 10 from 1995!

8 reviews

8.4 / 10 (115 votes)

#3 in Zenial's top 10 from 1995!

8 reviews

Replica (1995)
Replica 1. Replica 3:56
total time3:56

7.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Dog Day Sunrise (1995)
Dog Day Sunrise 1. Dog day sunrise (edit) 2:47
2. Replica (electric sheep mix) 4:00
3. Concreto 3:30
4. Dog day sunrise (lp version) 4:47
total time15:04

HD cover
3 Versions

2.8 / 10 (12 votes)

1 review

2.8 / 10 (12 votes)

1 review

Remanufacture (Cloning Technology) (1997)
Remanufacture (Cloning Technology) 1. Remanufacture (demanufacture) 6:43
2. National panel beating (body hammer) 4:38
3. Genetic blueprint (new breed) 4:24
4. Faithless (zero signal) 5:25
5. Bionic chronic 0:33
6. Cloning technology (replica) 5:53
7. Burn (flashpoint) 5:07
8. T-1000 (h-k) 4:08
9. Machines of hate (self bias resistor) 5:50
10. 21st century jesus (p*sschrist) 7:19
11. Bound for forgiveness (a therapy for pain) 6:01
12. Refinery 3:17
total time64:45

HD cover
5 Versions

4.7 / 10 (47 votes)

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4.7 / 10 (47 votes)

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Burn (1997)
Burn 1. Burn 5:06
2. Cyberdyne 4:30
3. Transgenic 5:44
4. Refueled 4:37
total time19:57

HD cover
2 Versions

4.0 / 10 (10 votes)

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4.0 / 10 (10 votes)

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The Gabber Mixes (1997)
The Gabber Mixes 1. New Breed (Steel Gun Mix) 5:35
2. Flashpoint (Chosen Few Mix) 4:03
3. T-1000 (H-K) 4:07
4. Manic Cure 4:01
total time17:45

HD cover

4.7 / 10 (12 votes)

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4.7 / 10 (12 votes)

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Obsolete (1998)
Obsolete 1. Shock 4:58
2. Edgecrusher 3:39
3. Smasher / devourer 5:35
4. Securitron {police state 2000} 5:47
5. Descent 4:37
6. Hi-tech hate 4:34
7. Freedom or fire 5:11
8. Obsolete 3:52
9. Resurrection 6:35
10. Timelessness 4:09
total time48:57

HD cover
6 Versions

7.6 / 10 (92 votes)

#10 in Zenial's top 10 from 1998!

3 reviews

7.6 / 10 (92 votes)

#10 in Zenial's top 10 from 1998!

3 reviews

Resurrection (1998)
Resurrection 1. Resurrection (long radio edit) 4:32
2. 0-0 {where evil dwells} (Wiseblood cover) 5:16
3. Soulwound 3:55
total time13:43

HD cover
5 Versions

5.3 / 10 (11 votes)

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5.3 / 10 (11 votes)

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Revolution (1998)
Revolution 1. Edgecrusher 3:41
2. Remanufacture 6:45
3. Replica 3:57
4. Your Mistake 1:30Agnostic Front cover
5. Scapegoat (Pigfuck Mix) 4:37
6. Martyr 4:05
total time24:35

HD cover

3.3 / 10 (10 votes)

#8 in the Compilation top 10 from 1998!

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3.3 / 10 (10 votes)

#8 in the Compilation top 10 from 1998!

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Limited Edition Tour CD (1998)
Limited Edition Tour CD 1. Cars (Gary Numan cover) 3:39Fear Factory
2. Descent 4:37
3. While My Guitar Gently Weeps (The Beatles cover) 4:01Spineshank
4. Grey 3:30
total time15:53

HD cover

1.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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1.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Messiah OST (1999)
Messiah OST 1. Crash test 3:48
2. Demanufacture 4:16
3. Self Bias Resistor 5:16
4. Zero Signal 6:02
5. New Breed 2:54
6. Flashpoint 2:57
7. H-K (Hunter-Killer) 5:22
8. Remanufacture 6:48
9. Machines Of Hate 5:55
10. Messiah 3:32
total time46:49

8.0 / 10 (2 votes)

#3 in the Compilation top 10 from the nineties!

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8.0 / 10 (2 votes)

#3 in the Compilation top 10 from the nineties!

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Cars (1999)
Cars 1. Cars (remix) 3:39
2. Descent (falling deeper mix) 4:38
3. Edgecrusher (urban assault mix) 4:33
total time12:50

HD cover
3 Versions

4.9 / 10 (14 votes)

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4.9 / 10 (14 votes)

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Shock (1999)
Shock 1. Shock 4:57

6.4 / 10 (8 votes)

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6.4 / 10 (8 votes)

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Descent (1999)
Descent 1. Descent (edit) 4:04

HD cover

3.5 / 10 (11 votes)

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3.5 / 10 (11 votes)

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Digimortal (2001)
Digimortal 1. What will become 3:23
2. Damaged 3:03
3. Digimortal 3:03
4. No one 3:37
5. Linchpin 3:25
6. Invisible wounds (dark bodies) 3:55
7. Acres of skin 3:56
8. Back the f*** up 3:09
9. Byte block 5:20
10. Hurt conveyor 3:41
11. Memory imprints (never end) 6:50
total time55:12

HD cover
3 Versions

6.7 / 10 (64 votes)

1 review

6.7 / 10 (64 votes)

1 review

Linchpin (2001)
Linchpin 1. Frequency 3:03
2. Linchpin 3:27
3. Machine Debaser 4:15
4. Linchpin (video) 34 Mb
total time10:45

HD cover
4 Versions

2.8 / 10 (8 votes)

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2.8 / 10 (8 votes)

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Invisible Wounds (Dark Bodies) (2001)
Invisible Wounds (Dark Bodies) 1. Invisible Wounds (Dark Bodies) 3:55

3.3 / 10 (4 votes)

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3.3 / 10 (4 votes)

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Digital Connectivity (video) (2002)
Digital Connectivity (video) 1. Introduction 0:29
2. Martyr - live + interview 5:43
3. Scapegoat - live 4:20
4. Interview 0:45
5. Scumgrief - live 3:40
6. Interview 1:02
7. Newsreport 0:33
8. Demanufacture - live 4:00
9. Interview 2:44
10. Self Bias Resistor - video 6:04
11. Replica - video 3:55
12. Interview 2:05
13. Dog day sunrise - video 4:28
14. Interview 1:17
15. Shock - live + interview 6:50
16. Edgecrusher - live + interview 4:07
17. Resurrection - video 4:10
18. Interview 1:55
19. Cars - video 3:15
20. Interview 1:00
21. What will become - live + interview 6:15
22. Damaged - live + interview 3:25
23. Linchpin - video 3:19
24. Interview 0:58
25. Digimortal - live 3:06
26. Interview 1:35
total time2:00:47

HD cover
3 Versions

4.3 / 10 (12 votes)

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4.3 / 10 (12 votes)

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Concrete (2002)
Concrete 1. Big god raped souls 2:36
2. Arise above oppression 1:58
3. Concrete 2:28
4. Crisis 3:33
5. Escape confusion 4:09
6. Sangre de nińos 2:03
7. Soulwomb 2:33
8. Echoes of innocence 3:05
9. Dragged down by the weight of existence 2:43
10. Deception 0:29
11. Desecrate 2:38
12. Suffer age 3:46
13. Anxiety 1:40
14. Self immolation 2:33
15. Piss christ 2:41
16. Ulceration 2:46
total time41:41

HD cover

5.7 / 10 (18 votes)

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5.7 / 10 (18 votes)

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Metal Box (2002)
Metal Box 1. Remanufacture cd 64:45
2. Fear Is The Mindkiller cd 32:35
total time1:37:20

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Hatefiles (2003)
Hatefiles 1. Terminate 4:06
2. Frequency 3:01
3. Demolition racer 0:50
4. Machine debaser 4:17
5. Invisible wounds (the suture mix) 3:36
6. Resurrection (T.L.A. big rock mix) 4:04
7. Edge crusher (urban assault mix) 4:34
8. Descent (falling deeper mix) 4:37
9. Body hammer (colin richardson mix) 5:10
10. Zero signal (colin richardson mix) 5:41
11. Cars (numanoid mix) 3:40
12. Dark bodies (demo) 4:00
13. Replica (live) 4:00
14. Cyberdyne 4:29
15. Refueled 4:37
16. Transgenic 5:43
17. Manic cure 5:08
18. New breed (spoetnik mix) 3:55
total time75:29

HD cover

4.5 / 10 (15 votes)

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4.5 / 10 (15 votes)

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Archetype (2004)
Archetype 1. Slave labor 3:53
2. Cyberwaste 3:18
3. Act of god 5:08
4. Drones 5:02
5. Archetype 4:36
6. Corporate cloning 4:24
7. Bite the hand that bleeds 4:09
8. Undercurrent 4:05
9. Default judgement 5:23
10. Bonescraper 4:11
11. Human shields 5:16
12. Ascension 7:05
13. School (Nirvana cover) 2:38
total time59:08

HD cover
8 Versions

7.9 / 10 (52 votes)

6 reviews

7.9 / 10 (52 votes)

6 reviews

Cyberwaste (2004)
Cyberwaste 1. Cyberwaste 3:18
total time3:18

HD cover
2 Versions

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Bite The Hand That Bleeds (2004)
Bite The Hand That Bleeds 1. Bite the hand that bleeds 4:09
2. Cyberwaste (excerpt) 0:08
--- DVD Disk ---
1. Cyberwaste (video) 3:34
2. Archetype (narrative) 3:52
3. Archetype (anime) 4:27
4. Archetype (performance) 3:53
5. Bite the hand that bleeds (video) 4:03
total time24:06

HD cover
2 Versions

4.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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4.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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Live on the Sunset Strip (2004)
Live on the Sunset Strip 1. Slave labor 4:04Live at the House Of Blues, Los Angeles CA, summer 2004
2. Cyberwaste 3:51
3. Drones 4:57
total time12:52

HD cover

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#6 in the Live top 10 from 2004!

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#6 in the Live top 10 from 2004!

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Slave Labor Live EP (2004)
Slave Labor Live EP 1. Slave labor 4:02
2. Cyberwaste 3:48
3. Archetype 5:09
4. Drones 4:57
5. School 3:02Nirvana cover
total time20:58

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Transgression (2005)
Transgression 1. 540,000° fahrenheit 4:28
2. Transgression 4:50
3. Spinal compression 4:13
4. Contagion 4:39
5. Empty vision 4:54
6. Echo of my scream 6:58
7. Supernova 4:33
8. New promise 5:15
9. I will follow (U2 cover) 3:42
10. Millenium (Killing Joke cover) 5:26
11. Moment of impact 4:02
total time53:00

HD cover
5 Versions

6.8 / 10 (16 votes)

1 review

6.8 / 10 (16 votes)

1 review

Moment of Impact (2005)
Moment of Impact 1. Moment of Impact 4:02

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Super Nova (2005)
Super Nova 1. Super Nova (Radio Edit) 3:58
2. Super Nova (Album Version) 4:23
total time8:21

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Transgression (2006)
Transgression 1. Transgression 4:50
2. Transgression (remix) 4:50
total time9:40

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15 Years of Fear Tour (2006)
15 Years of Fear Tour 1. Transgression 4:51
2. My grave 5:34
3. 540,000 degrees fahrenheit (live) 4:35
4. Transgression (live) 4:58
total time19:58

HD cover

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Powershifter (2009)
Powershifter 1. Powershifter 3:49

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Mechanize (2010)
Mechanize 1. Mechanize 4:41
2. Industrial Discipline 3:38
3. Fear Campaign 4:54
4. Powershifter 3:49
5. Christploitation 4:58
6. Oxidizer 3:44
7. Controlled Demolition 4:25
8. Designing The Enemy 4:54
9. Metallic Division 1:30
10. Final Exit 8:16
total time44:49

HD cover
7 Versions

9.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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9.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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Recharger (2012)
Recharger 1. Recharger 4:09

HD cover

No votes yet...

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The Industrialist (2012)
The Industrialist 1. The Industrialist 6:07
2. Recharger 4:09
3. New Messiah 4:30
4. God Eater 5:57
5. Depraved Mind Murder 4:43
6. Virus of Faith 4:34
7. Difference Engine 3:37
8. Disassemble 4:12
9. Religion is Flawed Because Man is Flawed 1:52
10. Human Augmentation 9:04
total time48:45

HD cover
5 Versions

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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The Complete Roadrunner Collection 1992-2001 (2012)
The Complete Roadrunner Collection 1992-2001 1. Soul Of A New Machine cd 55:13
2. Demanufacture cd 55:16
3. Remanufacture (Cloning Technology) cd 64:45
4. Obsolete cd 52:37
5. Digimortal cd 55:12
6. Concrete cd 41:41
total time5:24:44

2 Versions
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Soul Hacker (digital) (2015)
Soul Hacker (digital) 1. Soul Hacker 3:12

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Protomech (digital) (2015)
Protomech (digital) 1. Protomech 4:56

HD cover

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Dielectric (digital) (2015)
Dielectric (digital) 1. Dielectric 4:19

HD cover

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Genexus (2015)
Genexus 1. Autonomous Combat System 5:28
2. Anodized 4:47
3. Dielectric 4:19
4. Soul Hacker 3:11
5. Protomech 4:56
6. Genexus 4:48
7. Church of Execution 3:21
8. Regenerate 4:02
9. Battle for Utopia 4:14
10. Expiration Date 8:48
total time59:13

HD cover
3 Versions

8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Disruptor (digital) (2021)
Disruptor (digital) 1. Disruptor 3:45

HD cover

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Aggression Continuum (2021)
Aggression Continuum 1. Recode 5:47
2. Disruptor 3:45
3. Aggression Continuum 4:54
4. Purity 3:50
5. Fuel Injected Suicide Machine 5:28
6. Collapse 4:20
7. Manufactured Hope 5:01
8. Cognitive Dissonance 4:37
9. Monolith 3:34
10. End of Line 7:18
total time48:34

HD cover
2 Versions

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Recoded (2022)
Recoded 1. Adapt or Die 1:00(intro)
2. Hatred Will Prevail 5:45(Monolith remix)
3. Disobey 3:28(Disruptor remix)
4. I am the Nightrider 5:52(Fuel Injected Suicide Machine remix)
5. Path to Salvation 3:55(Purity remix)
6. Worthless 5:33(End of Line remix)
7. Empires Fall 5:47(Collapse remix)
8. System Assassin 5:15(Aggression Continuum remix)
9. Hypocrisy of Faith 5:30(Manufactured Hope remix)
10. This is My Life 4:35(Cognitive Dissonance remix)
11. Recoded 6:26(Recode remix)
12. Turbo Factory 3:35bonus (End of Line remix)
13. Break Off 5:50bonus (Disruptor remix)
total time53:06

HD cover

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#10 in the Non-Metal top 10 from the twenties!

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#10 in the Non-Metal top 10 from the twenties!

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Demos Remastered
1. Suffer age 1:48
2. Desecrate 3:44
3. Crisis 3:36
4. Echoes of innocence 2:32
5. Deforestation 3:01
6. Raped souls 0:19
7. Pisschrist 2:51
8. Big god 1:48
9. Self immolation 2:55
10. Soul womb 2:38
total time25:12

4.1 / 10 (9 votes)

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4.1 / 10 (9 votes)

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Live in Orlando, Floride 15-9-98 (1998)
1. Shock 6:21
2. Self bias resistor 5:37
3. Edgecrusher 3:50
4. Smasher / devourer 5:56
5. Demanufacture 4:09
6. Martyr 5:10
7. Replica 4:18
8. Slayer / pantera 0:58
9. Scapegoat 5:32
total time41:51

3.3 / 10 (8 votes)

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3.3 / 10 (8 votes)

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P3 Hultsfreds Festivalen
1. Demanufacture 4:16
2. Zero signal 5:36
3. Self immolation 3:52
4. New breed 3:40
5. Self bias resistor 5:16
6. Scumgrief 4:19
7. Big god / raped souls 2:17
8. Dog day sunrise 4:41Head Of David cover
9. Concreto 4:28
10. Martyr 5:14
11. Replica 3:55
12. Your mistake 2:04Agnostic Front cover
total time49:08

2.5 / 10 (6 votes)

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2.5 / 10 (6 votes)

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The Best of Fear Factory (2006)
The Best of Fear Factory 1. Martyr 4:05
2. Scapegoat 4:32
3. Scumgrief 4:07
4. Demanufacture 4:13
5. Self-Bias Resistor 5:12
6. Zero Signal 5:57
7. Replica 3:56
8. Shock 4:58
9. Edgecrusher 3:39
10. Resurrection 6:35
11. Cars 3:37Gary Numan cover
12. Linchpin 3:25
total time54:16

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Ondes De Choc Sampler 2
Ondes De Choc Sampler 2

Ondes De Choc Sampler 4
Ondes De Choc Sampler 4

The Ozzfest '97
The Ozzfest '97

Ozzfest Live
Ozzfest Live

Ozz-Fest Live
Ozz-Fest Live

Promo Compact 38
Promo Compact 38

Radio Kerrang! Vol.2
Radio Kerrang! Vol.2

Radio Kerrang! Vol.3
Radio Kerrang! Vol.3

Roadrunner Records 1997 CD Sampler
Roadrunner Records 1997 CD Sampler

Roadrunner Records - Spring Sampler 1997
Roadrunner Records - Spring Sampler 1997

Roadrunner Rules Ozzfest!
Roadrunner Rules Ozzfest!

La Saga Du Metal 16 - Les Années 90
La Saga Du Metal 16 - Les Années 90

Sick 'Em - A Sampler With Balls
Sick 'Em - A Sampler With Balls

Virtuallyalternative 80
Virtuallyalternative 80

Wing Commander: Prophecy OST
Wing Commander: Prophecy OST

Hard Rock N°6
Hard Rock N°6

Killing Cuts 4
Killing Cuts 4

Rock Sound FR Volume 11
Rock Sound FR Volume 11


Aggro-Active Tuneup Number 8
Aggro-Active Tuneup Number 8

Attic Records 25th Anniversary CD Box Set
Attic Records 25th Anniversary CD Box Set

The Calling
The Calling

CMJ New Music - November 1998
CMJ New Music - November 1998

The Corner - Free Music Sampler July '98
The Corner - Free Music Sampler July '98

The Corner - Free Music Sampler August '98
The Corner - Free Music Sampler August '98

Corpus Of Destruction
Corpus Of Destruction

Crank It
Crank It

Crossing All Over! - Vol. 8
Crossing All Over! - Vol. 8

Cry Now, Cry Later Volumes 1 & 2
Cry Now, Cry Later Volumes 1 & 2


EMPH-Attic July 1998
EMPH-Attic July 1998

EMPH-Attic September 1998
EMPH-Attic September 1998

Explosive Metal Cover Versions
Explosive Metal Cover Versions

Furious Metal Anger
Furious Metal Anger

Hard Beats III - From Hardcore To Progressive
Hard Beats III - From Hardcore To Progressive

Industrial Strength
Industrial Strength

Machinery 3
Machinery 3

Metal 2000
Metal 2000

Metal Detector - Summer 1998
Metal Detector - Summer 1998

Metal Millennium - Countdown To Armageddon
Metal Millennium - Countdown To Armageddon

The New, The Classic & The Unexplored - Volume Four
The New, The Classic & The Unexplored - Volume Four

Onde De Choc Sampler #8
Onde De Choc Sampler #8


The Ozzfest '98
The Ozzfest '98

Playstation Xtreme Games
Playstation Xtreme Games

Radio Force 6
Radio Force 6

Roadrunner Records Virgin Sampler
Roadrunner Records Virgin Sampler

Roadrunner Rules Ozzfest Vol. 2
Roadrunner Rules Ozzfest Vol. 2

RockHard Classix
RockHard Classix

Rock TuneUp 187
Rock TuneUp 187

A Singular Attitude - The Roadrunner Singles Compilation
A Singular Attitude - The Roadrunner Singles Compilation

Six Feet Under
Six Feet Under

Spark Poster Gallery Special Vol. 3
Spark Poster Gallery Special Vol. 3

Summer Slam
Summer Slam

Sweating Bullets
Sweating Bullets

The Tip Sheet Issue #278
The Tip Sheet Issue #278

Tower Records Musica September 1998
Tower Records Musica September 1998

Wear Your Music 2
Wear Your Music 2

Wear Your Music 3
Wear Your Music 3

Wet & Wild
Wet & Wild

Hard N' Heavy Vol. 5
Hard N' Heavy Vol. 5

Hard N' Heavy Vol. 9
Hard N' Heavy Vol. 9

Hard Rock N°13
Hard Rock N°13

Hard Rock N°20
Hard Rock N°20


Dynamit Vol. 12
Dynamit Vol. 12

Rock Sound FR Volume 22
Rock Sound FR Volume 22

Rock Sound IT Volume 3
Rock Sound IT Volume 3

Rock Sound SP Volumen 6
Rock Sound SP Volumen 6


Aggro-Active Tuneup #10
Aggro-Active Tuneup #10

An Alternative Cure
An Alternative Cure

Alterna Vision #80 (video)
Alterna Vision #80 (video)

A.P. CD - 14th Anniversary
A.P. CD - 14th Anniversary

Attitude - Balles Neuves
Attitude - Balles Neuves

Le CD Audio Rom De Guitare & Claviers N°204
Le CD Audio Rom De Guitare & Claviers N°204

Cover Classics (Volume One)
Cover Classics (Volume One)

Demolition Racer - The Soundtrack
Demolition Racer - The Soundtrack

Double Life - Music For Playstation
Double Life - Music For Playstation

Download 2
Download 2

Drilling Another Vein (video)
Drilling Another Vein (video)


The Hard + The Heavy - Volume 1
The Hard + The Heavy - Volume 1

Indie 2000 Volume 4
Indie 2000 Volume 4

Live At The Wireless Volume Five - Triple J Five Alive
Live At The Wireless Volume Five - Triple J Five Alive

Lo Mejor de Clasificación R Radioactivo
Lo Mejor de Clasificación R Radioactivo

Metalopolis 1
Metalopolis 1

MNW Album Sampler Maj 1999
Moshpit Madness
Moshpit Madness

New Kids On The Rock
New Kids On The Rock

Noise Inc. Volume 2
Noise Inc. Volume 2

The Ozzfest '99 - We Sold Our Soul For Rock 'N' Roll
The Ozzfest '99 - We Sold Our Soul For Rock 'N' Roll

Playstation Xtreme Games 2
Playstation Xtreme Games 2

Playstation Xtreme Games 3
Playstation Xtreme Games 3

Promo Only Modern Rock Radio: May 99
Promo Only Modern Rock Radio: May 99

Radioactive - Modern Rock Series - June 1999
Radioactive - Modern Rock Series - June 1999

Radio Force 13
Radio Force 13

Radio Force 19
Radio Force 19

The Rage: Carrie 2 OST
The Rage: Carrie 2 OST

Roadrunner Records - Spring Sampler 1999
Roadrunner Records - Spring Sampler 1999

Rock TuneUp 194
Rock TuneUp 194

Rock TuneUp 199
Rock TuneUp 199

Sonic Seducer - Like A Taste Of Sin!
Sonic Seducer - Like A Taste Of Sin!

St Valentine's Day Massacre
St Valentine's Day Massacre

Sweating Bullets: 20 Shots From Metal's Big Guns
Sweating Bullets: 20 Shots From Metal's Big Guns

Thrash'em All 1/99 - Metal Mind Productions cz. 2
Thrash'em All 1/99 - Metal Mind Productions cz. 2

Universal Soldier: The Return OST
Universal Soldier: The Return OST

Wear Your Music 4
Wear Your Music 5
Elegy - Numéro 7
Elegy - Numéro 7

Metal Hammer 1/1999
Metal Hammer 1/1999

Hammered Volume 3
Hammered Volume 3

Hammered Volume 4
Hammered Volume 4

Rock Sound NL - Festival Special
Rock Sound NL - Festival Special

Rock Sound SP Volumen 20
Rock Sound SP Volumen 20

Rock Sound UK Volume 3
Rock Sound UK Volume 3


Aggro 2000
Aggro 2000

Doubleshot: Metal
Doubleshot: Metal

Download 2000
Download 2000

Drilling The Vein III (video)
Drilling The Vein III (video)

Faust OST
Faust OST

Full Metal Racket - Three Hours Of Power
Full Metal Racket - Three Hours Of Power

The History Of Rock
The History Of Rock

Hörsturz Vol. 1
Hörsturz Vol. 1

Large Bonus CD #1
Large Bonus CD #1

Radiorock volume one
Radiorock volume one

Roadrunner 2000 Spring-Summer Sampler - Brain Striker
Roadrunner 2000 Spring-Summer Sampler - Brain Striker

The Roadrunner You Know: 1 Classic Metal Sampler
The Roadrunner You Know: 1 Classic Metal Sampler

The Roadrunner You Don't Know: 2 Non-Metal Sampler
The Roadrunner You Don't Know: 2 Non-Metal Sampler


Aggro-Active Tune-Up #18
Aggro-Active Tune-Up #18

All Areas Vol. 14
All Areas Vol. 14

Concrete Corner - May 2K1 Sampler
Concrete Corner - May 2K1 Sampler

Concrete Corner - June 2K1 Sampler
Concrete Corner - June 2K1 Sampler

Crossing All Over! Vol. 14
Crossing All Over! Vol. 14

The Devil's Music - Volume 3
The Devil's Music - Volume 3

Download 2001
Download 2001

Drilling The Vein IV (video)
Drilling The Vein IV (video)

Ginger Snaps OST
Ginger Snaps OST

Heavy Shift
Heavy Shift

House Of Pain Vol. 3
House Of Pain Vol. 3

Jon Comer's Sampler
Jon Comer's Sampler

Kerrang! The Album
Kerrang! The Album

Kerrang! 2 - The Album
Kerrang! 2 - The Album

Large Bonus Cd # 2
Large Bonus Cd # 2

Lords Of The Boards
Lords Of The Boards

Louder Than All!
Louder Than All!

Loud Volume 1
Loud Volume 1

Metal 2001
Metal 2001

Monitor This! June/July 2001
Monitor This! June/July 2001

New Shit Vol. 1
New Shit Vol. 1

No Name Music Sampler
No Name Music Sampler

Onde de Choc
Onde de Choc

Ozzfest - Second Stage Live
Ozzfest - Second Stage Live

Planet X - Volume 3
Planet X - Volume 3

Primal Screen: Music With Edge From Movies That Matter
Primal Screen: Music With Edge From Movies That Matter

Le Printemps De Bourges
Ralph - Great Set Of Hits
Ralph - Great Set Of Hits


Roadrunner Covers
Roadrunner Covers

Roadrunner Drill!! The CD ‘01
Roadrunner Drill!! The CD ‘01

Roadrunner Records
Roadrunner Records

Roadrunner Road Rage
Roadrunner Road Rage

Roadster Music Vol 1
Roadster Music Vol 1


Rock Radio Tracks
Rock Radio Tracks

Sic Radical
Sic Radical

Skeletons In The Closet
Skeletons In The Closet

Sum Records Vol. 5
Sum Records Vol. 5

Sum Records Promoción Nş23
Sum Records Promoción Nş23

Sum Records Promocional 39
Sum Records Promocional 39

What's Nu! Vol. 2
What's Nu! Vol. 2

The Wrath Of Ro
The Wrath Of Ro

Soundcheck #45
Soundcheck #45

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 6
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 6

Hard N' Heavy Volume 35
Hard N' Heavy Volume 35

Metal Hammer 4/2001
Metal Hammer 4/2001

Metal Hammer Riot Volume 2 (video)
Metal Hammer Riot Volume 2 (video)

Psychosonic! Volume 23
Psychosonic! Volume 23

Dynamit Vol. 26
Dynamit Vol. 26

Rock Sound SP Volumen 38
Rock Sound SP Volumen 38

Rock Sound UK Volume 23
Rock Sound UK Volume 23

Cold Hands Seduction Vol. X
Cold Hands Seduction Vol. X

Terrorized vol. 12
Terrorized vol. 12



De Afrekening 29
De Afrekening 29

Crank It Up
Crank It Up

Full Metal Racket 2 - Three Hours Of Power
Full Metal Racket 2 - Three Hours Of Power

Hairock.comp 1
Hairock.comp 1

Hardhits - The Best Of Alternative Rock
Hardhits - The Best Of Alternative Rock

Hörsturz Vol. 3
Hörsturz Vol. 3

Best Of Hörsturz - The Videos (video)
Best Of Hörsturz - The Videos (video)

Indie Volume 8
Indie Volume 8

Indie Volume 9
Indie Volume 9

Un Maxx' De Bruit
Un Maxx' De Bruit

Music To Burn By
Music To Burn By

New Metal Generation - The Power Of Brutal
New Metal Generation - The Power Of Brutal

New Metal Generation - Romantic Metal Ballads
New Metal Generation - Romantic Metal Ballads

New Metal Generation - Hop & New Metal
New Metal Generation - Hop & New Metal

No Bullshit - Nu Metal & Big Rock Smash Hits
No Bullshit - Nu Metal & Big Rock Smash Hits

Onde De Choc 21
Onde De Choc 21

Onde De Choc 23
Onde De Choc 23

Resident Evil OST
Resident Evil OST

Roadrage (video)
Roadrage (video)

SoBe Adrenaline Rush
SoBe Adrenaline Rush


Hard N' Heavy Vol. 49
Hard N' Heavy Vol. 49

RockHard N°13
RockHard N°13

Rock Sound FR Hors série numéro 20
Rock Sound FR Hors série numéro 20

Rock Sound SP - Especial Slipknot
Rock Sound SP - Especial Slipknot


Galerians: Rion - Man.Machine.Menace OST
Galerians: Rion - Man.Machine.Menace OST

The Heart Of Roadrunner Records
The Heart Of Roadrunner Records

I Love Metal
I Love Metal

Metal Area
Metal Area

New Shit Vol. 6
New Shit Vol. 6

Outsider: The Album 97-03
Outsider: The Album 97-03

Radio Kerrang! Volumen II
Radio Kerrang! Volumen II

Rage - 100% A Donf' ! # N°6
Rage - 100% A Donf' ! # N°6

Roadrage (video)
Roadrage (video)

Roadrunner Records - Roadworks
Roadrunner Records - Roadworks

The Rock Matrix
The Rock Matrix

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - The Album
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - The Album

XXX 2 Roadrage OST
XXX 2 Roadrage OST

Rock Sound PT Volume 7
Rock Sound PT Volume 7


Aerodrome Rock Festival Wiener Neustadt
Aerodrome Rock Festival Wiener Neustadt

CD Side 22
CD Side 22

Concrete Corner - March Sampler 2004
Concrete Corner - March Sampler 2004

Download 2004
Download 2004

Hard As Hell
Hard As Hell

His Master's Voice 2004 April
JägerMusic Rarities 2004
JägerMusic Rarities 2004

MTV2 Headbangers Ball Volume 2
MTV2 Headbangers Ball Volume 2

New Shit Vol. 9
New Shit Vol. 9

Onde De Choc 27
Orkus Compilation XVII
Orkus Compilation XVII

Priority Release Sampler May 2004
Priority Release Sampler May 2004

Priority Release Sampler June 2004
Priority Release Sampler June 2004

Resident Evil 4 Promotional Soundtrack
Resident Evil 4 Promotional Soundtrack

Roadrage (video)
Roadrage (video)

Roadrunner Records - Summer Of Metal
Roadrunner Records - Summer Of Metal

Rock It!
Rock It!


UFC Ultimate Beatdowns Vol. 1 Metal
UFC Ultimate Beatdowns Vol. 1 Metal

Velvet #02 (video)
Velvet #02 (video)

Soundcheck #666
Soundcheck #666

A Close-Up Look At Roadrunner
A Close-Up Look At Roadrunner

Elegy Sampler 33
Elegy Sampler 33

Hard N' Heavy Vol. 65
Hard N' Heavy Vol. 65

Hell Awaits CD Sampler N° 30
Hell Awaits CD Sampler N° 30

Metal Hammer 5/2004
Metal Hammer 5/2004

Metal Hammer Razor Vol. 4
Metal Hammer Razor Vol. 4

Dynamit Vol. 41
Dynamit Vol. 41

RockHard N°32
RockHard N°32

Rock Sound PT Volume 17
Rock Sound PT Volume 17

Rock Sound SP Volumen 73
Rock Sound SP Volumen 73

Rock Sound UK Volume 60
Rock Sound UK Volume 60

Fear Candy 03
Fear Candy 03


25 Live And Now! - Roadrunner Rock Tribune Sampler
25 Live And Now! - Roadrunner Rock Tribune Sampler


CD Side 30
CD Side 30

Concrete Corner - August Sampler 2005
Concrete Corner - August Sampler 2005

Concrete Corner - September Sampler 2005
Concrete Corner - September Sampler 2005

Concrete Corner - October Sampler 2005
Concrete Corner - October Sampler 2005

Concrete Corner - November Sampler 2005
Concrete Corner - November Sampler 2005

Cover It Up Vol. 1
Cover It Up Vol. 1

Digital Games 05 - E3 Los Angeles - Music
Digital Games 05 - E3 Los Angeles - Music


Gigantour - Tour Sampler
Gigantour - Tour Sampler

Metal Anthology 90
Metal Anthology 90

New Shit Vol. 13
New Shit Vol. 13

Onde De Choc - Spécial 25čme Anniversaire
Onde De Choc - Spécial 25čme Anniversaire

Roadrunner Roadrage (video)
Roadrunner Roadrage (video)

Rockzone 8
Rockzone 8

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Lockdown OST
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Lockdown OST

UP Sampler 23
UP Sampler 23

Metal Hammer 10/2005
Metal Hammer 10/2005

Metal Hammer Razor 144
Metal Hammer Razor 144

RockHard N°47
RockHard N°47

Rock Sound FR Volume 100
Rock Sound FR Volume 100

Zillo CD 09/05
Zillo CD 09/05


Cover It Up
Cover It Up

The Doors Nightclub Vol. 2
The Doors Nightclub Vol. 2

Metal Masters
Metal Masters

Monsters Of Rock
Monsters Of Rock

Rautakanki - Metallikokoelma Vol.2
Rautakanki - Metallikokoelma Vol.2

Roadrunner Roadrage (video)
Roadrunner Roadrage (video)

Metal Hammer 5/2006 - Roadrunner Records Celebrating 26 Of RRock And Metal
Metal Hammer 5/2006 - Roadrunner Records Celebrating 26 Of RRock And Metal


Brutal Assault - Open Air Festival DVD Compilation Vol. 11 (video)
Brutal Assault - Open Air Festival DVD Compilation Vol. 11 (video)

Metal Addict - Edition Collector
Metal Addict - Edition Collector

W:O:A Full Metal Juke Box - Vol. 2
W:O:A Full Metal Juke Box - Vol. 2


Tower Of The Beast
Tower Of The Beast


The Best Of The Biggest BBQ Album
The Best Of The Biggest BBQ Album

Hotter Than Hell
Hotter Than Hell

Metal Top 50
Metal Top 50

Yesterday & Today: 30 Years Of Roadrunner Records
Yesterday & Today: 30 Years Of Roadrunner Records

Metallian Sampler - Metal Trax
Metallian Sampler - Metal Trax

RockHard #94
RockHard #94


The 2010 Hot List
The 2010 Hot List

Absolute Respect - A Tribute To Killing Joke
Absolute Respect - A Tribute To Killing Joke

Bugging Your Ears! No. 132
Bugging Your Ears! No. 132

Crusty Demons Beyond the Apocalypse
Crusty Demons Beyond the Apocalypse

Hellfest 2010 (video)
Hellfest 2010 (video)

March Is Metal Month
March Is Metal Month

The Metal Bar
The Metal Bar

Rock Guerilla.tv Vol. 15
Rock Guerilla.tv Vol. 15

Streetcult Loud Music Compilation CD #15
Streetcult Loud Music Compilation CD #15

V8 Supercars: Turn It Up 2010
V8 Supercars: Turn It Up 2010

With Full Force XVII - DVD 2010
With Full Force XVII - DVD 2010

Close-Up Magazine #118
Close-Up Magazine #118

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 84
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 84

Hard Rock Mag 21
Hard Rock Mag 21

Maximum Metal Vol. 148
Maximum Metal Vol. 148

Lauschangriff Volume 001
Lauschangriff Volume 001

Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 103
Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 103


15 Years Metal Addiction
15 Years Metal Addiction

30 Years Of Roadrunner Records
30 Years Of Roadrunner Records

BA 15 - Brutal Assault (video)
BA 15 - Brutal Assault (video)

Heavy Time
Heavy Time

Live At Wacken 2010
Live At Wacken 2010

Roadrunner Roots - 30 Years Of Roadrunner Records (digital)
Roadrunner Roots - 30 Years Of Roadrunner Records (digital)


All For Metal III
All For Metal III

Attack Of The Metal Gods
Attack Of The Metal Gods

Gothic Compilation Part LV
Gothic Compilation Part LV

Greatest Ever! Heavy Metal
Greatest Ever! Heavy Metal

Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 8 (video)
Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 8 (video)


Maximum Metal Vol. 173
Maximum Metal Vol. 173

RockHard N°121
RockHard N°121

Rock Tribune 115 - Mei 2012
Rock Tribune 115 - Mei 2012

Rock Tribune 116 - Juni 2012
Rock Tribune 116 - Juni 2012

Zillo CD-06/2012
Zillo CD-06/2012


Keep It Loud - Volume 1
Keep It Loud - Volume 1

XXX - Three Decades Of Roadrunner Records
XXX - Three Decades Of Roadrunner Records


All For Metal IV
All For Metal IV

Cold Waves III Compilation Compact Disc
Cold Waves III Compilation Compact Disc

Cold Waves III Live Album Sampler (digital)
Cold Waves III Live Album Sampler (digital)

Cold Waves III Live Album Sampler II (digital)
Cold Waves III Live Album Sampler II (digital)

Summer Breeze 2013 (video)
Summer Breeze 2013 (video)

V8 Supercars: Fuel 2014
V8 Supercars: Fuel 2014


Graspop Metal Meeting 20th Anniversary 1996 - 2015
Graspop Metal Meeting 20th Anniversary 1996 - 2015


Metal - Saturn Exklusiv Edition
Metal - Saturn Exklusiv Edition

Noizefest Vol XVII
Noizefest Vol XVII

Nuclear Blast 2015 Summer Sampler
Nuclear Blast 2015 Summer Sampler

Nuclear Blast Compilation Volume 1
Nuclear Blast Compilation Volume 1

Nuclear Blast New Albums 2015
Nuclear Blast New Albums 2015

Soundwave XV - Official Compilation
Soundwave XV - Official Compilation

De Zwaarste Lijst
De Zwaarste Lijst

Sounds Of Evil
Sounds Of Evil

Maximum Metal Vol. 208
Maximum Metal Vol. 208

Lauschangriff Volume 037
Lauschangriff Volume 037

RockHard N°156
RockHard N°156

Rock Tribune 147
Rock Tribune 147


20 Years - Metal Addiction
20 Years - Metal Addiction

Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 10 (video)
Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 10 (video)


30 Years Of Nuclear Blast - The Ultimate Metal Collection
30 Years Of Nuclear Blast - The Ultimate Metal Collection


Metal Matters
Metal Matters

De Zwaarste CD
De Zwaarste CD


Lauschangriff Vol.87
Lauschangriff Vol.87

Official homepage

Add Album


> From Los Angeles, CA, USA
> Members are:
Burton C. Bell - vocals - was in Geezer
Christian Olde Wolbers - guitar
Raymond Herrera - drums
Byron Stroud - bass - also in Strapping Young Lad and Zimmer's Hole
> Previous members:
Andrew Shives - bass (1992)
Dino Cazares - guitars (-2002)
> Band has broken up early 2002 but got back together in 2003
Add Info

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Fear Factory

Last update: 07/01/24